“Tell me about yourself ”?

Tell me about yourself ”, is one question which is asked in 95% of the interviews. It might sound very simple and obvious but makes most of us anxious. Despite being the most commonly asked question we tend to fumble, and are unable to answer it effectively. We tend to assume it as an invitation to recite our life story. The worse could be reading the resume point by point.

This is best chance to build a rapport and show the hiring manager that you are a perfect fit for the job. One of the ideal way to approach this would be:

  1. First you start with the present—where you are right now. Then, without any interruption swiftly make a transition into the past—a little bit about the experiences you’ve had and the skills you gained at the previous position. Finally, finish with the future—why you are really excited for this particular opportunity. For example: Well, I’m currently working as a Relationship Manager with XYZ Bank, where I handle our top performing client. Before that, I worked at a Brokerage House  where I was responsible for client acquisition and doing their Financial Planning. And while I really enjoyed the work that I did, I would love the chance to explore  much deeper, which is why I’m so excited about this opportunity.
  2. Focus only on those skills and experience which is relevant to the current context. The hiring manager is concerned about finding a right fitment  and is thinking about this particular position only. So it is advised to talk about the skills and experience which are relevant to the current context.
  3. You can tell a short story about a real incident or person. The hiring manager already has your resume, so they also want to know a little more about you.  It is typically the best approach to convince employers that you possess the right strengths to get the job done.  Sharing a concrete example of what you accomplished shows the employer what you could do for the organization if you were to be hired.