A simple formula for answering “Why should we hire you?”

This question is extremely unpleasant, but unavoidable. When the hiring manager asks “ Why should we hire you ” , the answer to it is really very broad and may lead you down to a slippery slope if not answered concisely.

Despite how bizarre the question is, it is really a good opportunity to talk about your skills and  your strengths. So, how exactly do you plan to answer this open ended question?

Here are few strategies that might help:

  1. One way to answer this question can be finding a common ground between what’s in it for you and what’s in it for the hiring manager. You have to list the benefits for the employer as well as how you  will be also staying motivated as you have exactly the same skill set as the position demands.
  2. You have to show that you have deep knowledge about the business and this you can only gain by doing a good research on the company.  This shows your excitement for the position, you come off as an insider who might be easier to train than other candidates, and you demonstrate how you handle something you’re invested in.
  3. The reason the hiring manager has posted this job is that they have a problem that needs to be solved. Be that problem solver with your response and outline, ideally in detail, how you can offer immediate relief for the company’s pain point.

The worst way to answer “ why should I hire you “ is to start begging for the job  by saying “Hire me because I’m smart, hard-working, loyal and thrifty!”

Almost every candidate will answer the question by praising themselves. That’s not the best approach.