Say This, Not That – Learn what to say in a job Interview

While interviewing , no matter how comfortable the recruiter makes you feel there are few things that you never ever say. Your goal should be to keep the discussion professional throughout the interview. Here are few things that might affect the vibe :

  • I am comfortable with any job role: When you say “ I don’t care what jobs you have available—I’ll do anything!” that’s a big red flag. The recruiter is looking for someone who is passionate about the role they are taking on. It makes you sound very desperate and you are just trying to get any job. It shows lack of passion.
  • Expressing disappointment while talking about your last job: Never ever badmouth a former employer or your colleagues during an interview. No matter how much you dislike your job , keep your tone positive while talking. Always talk about the learning that you got in due course.
  • I am really nervous: Even if you’re more nervous than you’ve ever been, no company wants to hire someone who lacks confidence. So, in this case, honesty is not the best policy.
  • Perfectionism is my greatest weakness: Chances are, telling a hiring manager that perfectionism is your greatest weakness won’t surprise him or her—and it might come off as sounding like an overly rehearsed cliché. Skip these overused business phrases, and describe your skills and abilities using stories about things you’ve actually done.
  • “Um, I Don’t Know”: Saying “I don’t know” is rarely the right approach. Two strategies that work well are repeating the question thoughtfully before answering or saying (slowly), “Now, that is a great question. I think I would have to say…” Still stumped? Ask for what you need—whether that’s a pen and paper, a glass of water, or a quick minute to think.